So CBS went w/ the above, none more obit-ty photo. Never really had a generational figurehead/personal hero die, by way of their own hand or otherwise, during the hormonally volatile years in which I imagine that sort of thing would have seemed highly profound (though I do recall everything seeming pretty thanocentric circa ODB, John Peel and Yassir Arafat popping their respective clogs almost simultaneously) but this has reacted with trivial, subjective sadnesses of mine in a way that's sort of surprised me. I heard via e-mail, having just replied to a message re: a piece on Sarah Kane I've been writing and while watching Richey Edwards' last interview on tube, as if the crux of the crossroads they'd all have been buried under in the olden days was the middle of my browser window.
(wistful troubadourish foto, cbsnews.com. Copious, interesting tributes at http://www.edrants.com/remembering-david-foster-wallace/)
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